Customer Links
Here are a few links to the web sites of some of my clients. My involvement in these examples ranges from simple maintenance
to full commitment designing, configuring and hosting
VBS Reachout Adventures
I've been doing on-site support for this customer for several years but only recently became involved with their web site. Their web
site is designed by Sandra Flewelling, True Blue Design and I am now hosting and developing the site. There are several objectives
that we will work toward in the coming months; improve online sales, integrate the online sales with direct and mail order sales
and develop a web based management database for all inventory and fulfillment. Toward that end, we have switched to PayPal payment
processing, started a new Adwords campaign and started to build the store database.
East Point Seafood
old new
East Point Seafood is a company with a long history and a good reputation for producing quality
products. They had been selling online for over a year with disappointing results and wanted to boost sales substantially. I set
up a Google Adwords campaign using their existing Yahoo web store. With Adwords clicks the site visits increased but the
sales remained sluggish and sporadic. We recently launched a new web store designed by Steve Prestek, Prestek Advertising and Design. We moved the site
to my server and are now using PayPal checkout. As of this update, it's only been about a week but early results look promising.
Roofing Pro Systems, Inc.
old new
This customer is in a very competetive business. I was amazed to find dozens of competitors in a narrow search area like Bothell, Washington.
I've moved his site from Superpages hosting to mine and have started a Google Adwords campaign for him. I worked with Steve Prestek, Prestek Advertising and Design on a
redesigned site to help him stand out among so many competitors. We decided to add a 'roofing cost calculator' that can be used
by site visitors to estimate the cost of a new roof. We're promoting this feature in the Adwords campaign and it's
turning out to be very popular.
Keep'n' Safe
A new company set up to promote gun safety through the use of gun safes and trigger locks. This site was designed
(by Eric Dykstra)
to be friendly and not corporate while still being easy to navigate and interesting to use.
Screw Outfitters
I implemented my latest web store programs and even added a few new tricks for this site. The site was designed by Steve Prestek, Prestek Advertising and Design. So far
sales are way beyond expectations. The site design and function really makes this a great web store.
Tom Haseltine Photography
This site is
a complete with E-commerce functionality. The Interface was designed by
Steve Prestek, Prestek Advertising and Design. I developed the technical aspects of the site
including scaling and optimizing hundreds of images, configuring the database
interaction and the credit card processing thru PayFlow Link Gateway. We've been promoting this
site using Google Adwords pay-per-click service. I recently added a
Google Gadget of Tom's pictures and it has been getting 400+ hits per day.
Halbrich Financial Group
Bob wanted a web site that was loaded with information for his customers and prospects. This site allows him
to share his in-depth knowledge of the equipment leasing industry and make it convenient for people to start the application process with printable forms online. I used ASP coding for
most of this site so that it would be easy and quick to make changes just by modifying
variables that update the entire site.
Cascade Engine Center, LLC
This was an established site when I became involved. Cascade asked me to handle their web and e-mail hosting
in order to reduce their cost and give me access to make changes to their site. Along with Steve Prestek, Prestek Advertising and Design, I updated their site to reflect
a company name change and a product line change. Many of their pages are dynamically generated from information
in their database. Each year we've added more features for Cascade's dealers and the general public. Dealers can now log in to order
parts, submit warranty claims, submit testimonials, join in on a dealer forum and much more. The public area now includes access to operating
manuals, parts manuals and more.
Kohler Associates Architects & Planners, PS
The customer called me because their web was just wasn't working anymore. Due to
a change of servers the links became case sensitive and weren't linking
properly, their customer e-mail form wasn't working, graphic elements lacked
continuity and the "projects" page had poor navigation. I redid their
site using ASP coding so that all pages used the same header and footer assuring
links and graphics would stay consistent. This method also helped make the
"projects" easy to navigate using a sidebar that shows on all project
pages. Their response... "Wow, looking really good".
That was a few years back. Since then their site has been totally redesigned
(by Eric Dykstra)
with an extensive section dedicated to portfolio pictures. Take a look.
Lloyd A. Lynch Construction, Inc.
A good
example of a simple web site; an interactive brochure. This web site gives a
good overview of the capabilities of the company as well as easy to find contact
information. I generated this site as part of an Internet upgrade for this
Cech Systems, Inc.
The public part of this site was designed by a long time associate of my client. I was brought in to
implement an extensive 'client' area that allows users to enter statistical data and run reports. This has been phased in over a
year and is still being updated and improved regularly. Once the basic functions were working, the company was able to reduce staff
by one full-time employee and the principal has had time freed up for customer contact and service. Recent upgrades include automated data transfer
from a client's database to our proprietary database saving many hours of data input and improving accuracy.
Shoreline Christian School
This was a
"static" website for a number of years. Like many websites, it was
designed to be updated periodically by a "webmaster". As parent
volunteers, Jim Crozier
and I developed a new site designed to be maintained by the community that would
be using it. Now the site is almost entirely dynamic. Most pages can be changed
by authorized individuals thru a web interface. Users can request information
online, order scrip, see schedules, browse pictures, read daily and weekly news
and more. The site always has fresh information.
Prestek Advertising and Design
Steve Prestek did all the work on his site. I've been a technical advisor and handle his web
and e-mail hosting.
Emerald City Embroidery
This site is an expanded business card/yellow page ad. It's a good way to start
your site in a few minutes while you consider future development options. They
can use their own dot-com e-mail and customers can look up their contact
Stonegrill America, LLC
Designed and
produced in Australia, it was my job to Americanize this site and host it. I
added an inquiry form that posts to a database and sends e-mail to Stonegrill
America. I also manage this site's Google Adwords pay-per-click
service. For the past couple of years, I also have been updating the Australian, UK and Canadian versions of the site.
First Christian Reformed Church of Seattle
I helped with the domain registration and hosting for the web site. It is designed and
maintained by a group of church volunteers. This site demonstrates many nice features including
a community calendar and streaming RealAudio files.
Crossroads Sign & Graphic
An existing web site when I got involved. I transferred his web site and domain to my server and have done some extensive 'remodeling' since then. I
added a database driven photo gallery that can be updated by the customer as needed. This has been a great tool for showing various sign
applications to prospective clients. They just introduced a new product line involving video and signage for lobbies and reception areas. I added
a section that allows web visitors to view video promoting the video.
Fastap Screws
Another site by Steve Prestek, Prestek Advertising and Design. I host this site and had to
convert several pages and forms to be Windows and ASP compatible because the previous hosting was on a Unix server using CGI scripting.
Meade P. Brown, Jr., P.S.
A professional site that I designed with input from the client. The 'who we are' and 'directions' pages have been very helpful to Meade and his clients.
Your Master Cobbler
A new approach to an old trade. Terry wanted to have a web site even before his store was open. He knew that for
his new business to succeed he'd need to get the word out. So, along with some nice signage (by
Crossroads Sign & Graphic) his
web site would be an important tool in creating visiblity for his store. By using Google AdWords and Google Local
it looks like at least half his clients find him via his web site. At first Terry's shoemaker background was not
a good fit for the Internet but now it's as comfortable as an old shoe.
Professionals in Worker's Compensation
This organization has had a web site for several years but were not happy with the look and lack of functionality. Since taking over
as their webmaster, I've added several features to allow for online sign up and payment as well as registering
sponsors. A major re-design was done by Eric Dykstra.